4 Tips To Designing Great Camp T-Shirts

Posted on: 7 November 2016

For many campers, the camp t-shirt is a collector's item that they will wear with pride for as long as it still fits. While this can be true for simple camp t-shirts that feature only the camp logo, many campers will appreciate a truly unique t-shirt that makes their friends at school curious about their camp experience. If you are in charge of designing your camp's t-shirts this year, here are some tips you should keep in mind. 

Feature the Year 

Many campers return to camp every year, so they have a collection of camp t-shirts. You should make each one stand out. You can do this by featuring the year somewhere on the t-shirt or by featuring that year's theme. For example, if your camp's theme is, "Helping Others," this year, you may want to feature a logo with helping hands. 

Reference Classic Aspects of Your Camp 

While the t-shirt should feature unique aspects for this year, it is also important that it references your camp. This is usually done by incorporating your camp name or camp logo into the overall t-shirt design. However, it can also be accomplished by adding a silhouette of a popular place at your camp in the background. For example, you may want to include the treeline from your most popular overlook or one of the campers' favorite elements from your high ropes course. 

Make It Unique, But Not Too Unique

Camp t-shirts generally feature bold designs that are meant to stand out. However, you want to make sure that your campers will feel comfortable wearing their t-shirts when they return to school. You should research what local kids and teenagers are wearing and find a design that is unique but not so over-the-top that it would be considered gaudy. For example, pop art is currently in style again, but you may want to pick slightly more subtle colors than the traditional bright yellows and reds in pop art. 

Add Subtle Touches

To really make your t-shirts successful, be sure to include subtle touches that will give your t-shirt a finished look. For example, you may want to include a small logo or the year on one of the sleeves. Similarly, you may want to opt for a glitter ink or foil to make your camp's t-shirts stand out. 

Adding extra thought into the design of your camp's custom t-shirts will not only make your campers happy. It will also work as a positive advertisement for your camp throughout the year. 
